Save the date for the 2017 Spring Camporee and Daisy Day! Camp Golden Pond is reserved for May 5 – 7. Brownies and up are invited to come spend the weekend at camp. Daisies are invited for a fun filled Daisy Day on May 6th.
Troop 40436 – Toys for Tots
Good job girls! Troop 40436 would like to say Thank You to everyone that came out to our movie morning and donated a toy to Toys for Tots! 132 people attended and donated 93 toys!
Animal Adventures Camp
Animal Adventures at Camp Golden Pond will take place June 24-26! We will do animal badge activities at the Brownie through Senior levels and the Daisy 3 Cheers for Animals Journey! Archery, canoeing, and swimming at Blue Diamond will also be available! For more information and registration forms see Animal Adventures at Camp Golden Pond!
2016 Back to Basics Camp
Join girls from 3 communities for a fun-filled weekend at camp! Activities may include, a flag retirement ceremony, canoeing, archery, knot tying, fishing, campfires, orienteering, and more!
2016 Spring Camporee
Community 416 will hold a “415-style” troop-based Camporee at Camp Golden Pond the weekend of April 15-17, 2016. Troops may volunteer to coordinate a group activity; otherwise, “do your own thing.” Gaga ball, traverse climbing wall, SWAPS station, and fishing will be available, as well as a Saturday-evening campfire. Archery will be available on Sunday morning